Our Vision
We will make real the spirit of Mary reaching out to her son on Calvary with compassion and care for the sick, the dying and those in need. We will do this through the provision of care that recognises and respects the unique dignity and beauty of each person.
In the spirit of the founding vision, Calvary Ministries will ensure our services express the compassionate healing love of Christ to those suffering or in need, particularly the dying.
The values of Calvary Ministries are mercy, justice, compassion, care, simplicity. These values are reflected in the health care service values of stewardship, healing, hospitality and respect.
In developing the Calvary Ministries logo the intent was to show the link between the two entities – the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary (LCM), and Little Company of Mary Health Care.
The colour scheme of the Calvary Ministries logo incorporates the colours of the Little Company of Mary emblem and Little Company of Mary Health Care (Calvary) logo
The shape and lines of the Calvary Ministries logo links the shapes of LCM and LCM Health Care – the ovals on either side of the cross represent the oval shape of the LCM Sisters’ emblem, and the cross represents the shape within the LCM Health Care logo.
The ovals also illustrate the two entities linked together with the Calvary cross to unite them, and where the ovals join the infinity symbol is formed, displaying continuity.
The idea of the ‘heart’ is an important symbol within LCM and LCM Health Care.
Mary Potter wished that the LCM Sisters have the compassionate ‘mother love of God’ as demonstrated by the love of Jesus dying on the Cross and the ‘mother love of Mary’ standing at the foot of the Cross to a world suffering in so many diverse ways, bringing hope into a world where hope seems dead. This is symbolised in the LCM emblem.
LCM Health Care services are guided by the values of hospitality, healing, stewardship & respect. The LCM Health Care logo incorporates a heart shape.
In the Calvary Ministries logo the blue circle positioned in the centre of the cross is a symbolic representation of the point where the entities of Little Company of Mary and Little Company of Mary Health Care are connected – at the ‘heart’ of the Calvary cross.

Sisters of the Little Company of Mary Emblem

Calvary Ministries Logo

Little Company of Mary Health Care (Calvary) Logo